Saturday, April 27, 2013

More than 1,000 suits against NuvaRing may go to trial this fall

A NuvaRing contraceptive. (Sandy Huffaker/Getty)Rachel Lietzke Payne started using NuvaRing in 2008, when she was a 20-year-old college student. The contraceptive device appealed to her because it was easy to use. Birth control pills have to be taken every day, but NuvaRing, which came onto the market in 2001, is inserted into the vagina and removed each month?and is just as effective at preventing pregnancy.

One Monday in October of 2010, more than a year after she first began using the vaginal ring, Payne met her father for a standing lunch date at Buffalo Wild Wings in Casselberry, north of where they lived in Orlando. When she and her dad walked out of the restaurant, Payne suddenly fell ill and spat up quarter-size chunks of blood onto the cement.

Payne was rushed to the hospital, where she spent 10 days being pumped with anticoagulants to thin her blood. She was diagnosed as having developed a blood clot in her lung, a condition that could have been fatal. ?It took them a while to figure out that it was blood clots, because I was 22 at the time,? said Payne, who is now a married 25-year-old aspiring air traffic controller with a toddler son. She was also a nonsmoker and fit, and she had no family history of blood clots, all potential risk factors.

But the doctors landed on what they believed might have caused the clotting: the NuvaRing.

Payne is now one of more than 1,000 women suing Merck & Co.?the pharmaceutical company that manufactures the birth control?in a federal district court in Missouri. They allege that the company?s device caused them to suffer blood clots?in a few cases, fatal ones?the risks of which they say they were inadequately warned about.

The suits are the latest in a pricey legal backlash over a variety of hormonal contraceptives that have come to the market in the past 10 years. Thousands of women sued over the Ortho Evra patch, citing studies that showed a higher blood clot risk compared to traditional birth control pills, costing Ortho McNeil, a Johnson & Johnson subsidiary, millions of dollars. And as of 2012, more than 10,000 suits had been filed against Bayer, the makers of Yaz and Yasmin birth control pills, which has set aside more than $1.5 billion to settle claims.

Roger Denton, the lead counsel for the multidistrict litigation against NuvaRing in Missouri, said he thinks the case could be as lucrative for his clients as Bayer?s litigation over Yaz and Yasmin. (Bayer has settled for an average of $216,000 with each plaintiff in that case.)

Hormonal contraceptives inhibit ovulation by releasing a combination of estrogen and progestin. While earlier iterations of progestin have shown only a slight increase in blood clot risk, recent studies have shown that newer forms of progestin?called third- and fourth-generation progestins, which were developed in the 1990s and 2000s?are associated with higher rates of blood clotting among women who take them compared to second-generation iterations of the hormone.

In fact, more than a dozen studies conducted over more than a decade have shown that women taking contraceptives containing a third-generation progestin?such as that used in NuvaRing and some birth control pills?have a 1.4 to 4 times higher risk of developing blood clots than women on contraceptives containing second-generation progestin.

The studies include a recent one funded by the FDA that tracked the health records of more than 835,000 women. It found that those who used the vaginal ring were more likely to experience venous thrombosis than women who took oral contraceptives. But the researchers warned that the finding is ?new and raises concern? and ?needs to be replicated in other studies.?

A handful of other studies, however, have shown no increased risk. Overall, the risk is still very low, with only around 6 to 10 out of 10,000 women developing blood clots over a year.

The plaintiffs in the NuvaRing case allege it's not just the hormone in the device that caused their blood clots, but also the delivery system. Unlike other forms of birth control, NuvaRing dispenses hormones directly into the bloodstream, which the plaintiffs' expert witness argues could cause "spikes" of hormones that make women more susceptible to blood clots. There's currently no large study that backs up that claim.

Some experts, however, warn that the results of the studies are being overblown by the media and trial lawyers, and may be scaring women away from effective birth control. More than 20 international researchers published an open letter in the Journal of Family Health and Reproductive Planning earlier this month saying the media and attorneys are creating a ?scare? that is not based on adequate research and could create more harm than good. They argue that large database studies, such as the one funded by the FDA, can be inaccurate because they don?t take into account all the confounding variables, such as obesity, that could affect blood clotting.

The letter notes that third- and fourth-generation hormonal contraceptives overall contain a very low risk of blood clots, and that more studies are needed before that risk can be determined. Overall, it notes, about 4 to 6 additional women out of every 10,000 on the newer forms of birth control would suffer a blood clot compared to women taking the older form of birth control. The risk of blood clotting goes up dramatically for pregnant women: 29 per 10,000 pregnant women develop a blood clot, meaning that the risks of unintended pregnancy are far greater than that of any hormonal birth control on the market.

The plaintiffs in the NuvaRing case say Merck did not adequately test or label the NuvaRing product to warn of these risks. Merck has disputed this, saying the company is confident its product is safe, and that it followed U.S. Food and Drug Administration guidelines for its packaging.

The company was awarded a judicial victory last week, when a judge in New Jersey threw out seven separate suits against NuvaRing, saying the plaintiffs did not prove that NuvaRing was the cause of their blood clots. New Jersey courts have tougher standards for suing an FDA-approved product than the federal court system, however, where some of the more than 1,000 suits face trial beginning in October.

?We are confident the company has provided appropriate and timely information about NuvaRing to consumers and the medical, scientific and regulatory communities,? Lainie Keller, a spokeswoman for Merck, said in a statement. ?We remain confident in the efficacy and safety profile of NuvaRing, and will continue to always act in the best interest of patients.?

But Denton, the lead attorney for the plaintiffs, said he?s sure his cases in the district court won?t be dismissed.

?That?s what all these drug companies say,? Denton said. ?'It?s good enough for the FDA, that?s the end of the story.? But under our law, that doesn?t matter. The jury decides.?


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Friday, April 26, 2013

Longer days bring 'winter blues' -- for rats, not humans

Friday, April 26, 2013

Most of us are familiar with the "winter blues," the depression-like symptoms known as "seasonal affective disorder," or SAD, that occurs when the shorter days of winter limit our exposure to natural light and make us more lethargic, irritable and anxious. But for rats it's just the opposite.

Biologists at UC San Diego have found that rats experience more anxiety and depression when the days grow longer. More importantly, they discovered that the rat's brain cells adopt a new chemical code when subjected to large changes in the day and night cycle, flipping a switch to allow an entirely different neurotransmitter to stimulate the same part of the brain.

Their surprising discovery, detailed in the April 26 issue of Science, demonstrates that the adult mammalian brain is much more malleable than was once thought by neurobiologists. Because rat brains are very similar to human brains, their finding also provides a greater insight into the behavioral changes in our brain linked to light reception. And it opens the door for new ways to treat brain disorders such as Parkinson's, caused by the death of dopamine-generating cells in the brain.

The neuroscientists discovered that rats exposed for one week to 19 hours of darkness and five hours of light every day had more nerve cells making dopamine, which made them less stressed and anxious when measured using standardized behavioral tests. Meanwhile, rats exposed for a week with the reverse?19 hours of light and five hours of darkness?had more neurons synthesizing the neurotransmitter somatostatin, making them more stressed and anxious.

"We're diurnal and rats are nocturnal," said Nicholas Spitzer, a professor of biology at UC San Diego and director of the Kavli Institute for Brain and Mind. "So for a rat, it's the longer days that produce stress, while for us it's the longer nights that create stress."

Because rats explore and search for food at night, while humans evolved as creatures who hunt and forage during the daylight hours, such differences in brain chemistry and behavior make sense. Evolutionary changes presumably favored humans who were more active gatherers of food during the longer days of summer and saved their energy during the shorter days of winter.

"Light is what wakes us up and if we feel depressed we go for a walk outside," said Davide Dulcis, a research scientist in Spitzer's laboratory and the first author of the study. "When it's spring, I feel more motivation to do the things I like to do because the days are longer. But for the rat, it's just the opposite. Because rats are nocturnal, they're less stressed at night, which is good because that's when they can spend more time foraging or eating."

But how did our brains change when humans evolved millions of years ago from small nocturnal rodents to diurnal creatures to accommodate those behavioral changes?

"We think that somewhere in the brain there's been a change," said Spitzer. "Sometime in the evolution from rat to human there's been an evolutionary adjustment of circuitry to allow switching of neurotransmitters in the opposite direction in response to the same exposure to a balance of light and dark."

A study published earlier this month in the American Journal of Preventive Medicinefound some correlation to the light-dark cycle in rats and stress in humans, at least when it comes to people searching on the internet for information in the winter versus the summer about mental illness. Using Google's search data from 2006 to 2010, a team of researchers led by John Ayers of San Diego State University found that mental health searches on Google were, in general, 14 percent higher in the winter in the United States and 11 percent higher in the Australian winter.

"Now that we know that day length can switch transmitters and change behavior, there may be a connection," said Spitzer.

In their rat experiments, the UC San Diego neuroscientists found that the switch in transmitter synthesis in the rat's brain cells from dopamine to somatostatin or back again was not due to the growth of new neurons, but to the ability of the same neurons there to produce different neurotransmitters.

Rats exposed to 19 hours of darkness every 24 hours during the week showed higher numbers of dopamine neurons within their brains and were more likely, the researchers found, to explore the open end of an elevated maze, a behavioral test showing they were less anxious. These rats were also more willing to swim, another laboratory test that showed they were less stressed.

"Because rats are nocturnal animals, they like to explore during the night and dopamine is a key part of our and their reward system," said Spitzer. "It's part of what allows them to be confident and reduce anxiety."

The researchers said they don't know precisely how this neurotransmitter switch works. Nor do they know what proportion of light and darkness or stress triggers this switch in brain chemistry. "Is it 50-50? Or 80 percent light versus dark and 20 percent stress? We don't know," added Spitzer. "If we just stressed the animal and didn't change their photoperiod, would that lead to changes in transmitter identity? We don't know, but those are all doable experiments."

But as they learn more about this trigger mechanism, they said one promising avenue for human application might be to use this neurotransmitter switch to deliver dopamine effectively to parts of the brain that no longer receive dopamine in Parkinson's patients.

"We could switch to a parallel pathway to put dopamine where it's needed with fewer side effects than pharmacological agents," said Dulcis.

Spitzer, Dulcis and the other researchers involved in the study are now working with biomedical scientists at the UC San Diego medical school to track the brains of individual rats with positron emission tomography after long and short days of light to determine how stable the neurotransmitter switches are and how quickly the rat brains change after being exposed to different periods of light.


University of California - San Diego:

Thanks to University of California - San Diego for this article.

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Safe boating class offered in MadeiraOutdoors & Recreation ...

MADEIRA BEACH ? The United States Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 11-3 plans monthly safe boating classes through the end of the year at its headquarters at 299 Boca Ciega Drive.

Classes meet the first Saturday of the month from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The cost is $40 per person. The next class meets May 4.

Other classes will follow on June 8, July 6, Aug. 3 and Sept. 7.

The classes are open to the public and recommended for anyone who owns a boat, a personal watercraft, anyone interested in purchasing a boat or anyone who wants to learn safe boating practices.

Classes cover subjects such as navigating the waterways, operating a boat safely, legal regulations, what to do in an emergency, getting to know your boat and information you need to know before getting under way.

Anyone born after January 1989 must take a boating safety course and have a valid boating certificate and a photo ID while operating a vessel.

Experienced U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary instructors teach all classes.

For more information, call 391-5185.


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Microsoft Quietly Shuts Down Bing Deals, Launches Bing Offers As A Replacement

2013-04-25_1015The daily deals hype around Groupon, LivingSocial and all of their clones has markedly cooled down over the last few months, but that isn’t stopping Microsoft from launching Bing Offers, a new local deals aggregator for the U.S. market, today. The odd thing about this launch is that Bing previously?offered a very similar feature called Bing Deals since 2011 – a service that now seems to be gone. As a Microsoft spokesperson told me, Bing Deals went through “a number of iterations” over the years, and Bing Offers is essentially the next version of Bing Deals. As far as I can see, Bing Deals’ emphasis was on aggregating the best deals from across the web. Bing Offers puts its focus more on local deals, but it also features a number of national offers, as well. Bing Offers, the company says, will aggregate deals from “a broad set of partners, including many of the leading local deal providers.” Microsoft hasn’t made a full list of partners available, but I’m seeing offers from LivingSocial, Groupon (via Yipit), Spotted Fox, DoubleTakeDeals?and a number of other smaller providers. The service features the same kind of flat design that’s now the hallmark of most of Microsoft’s products and as a daily deals aggregator, it’s actually quite nice. You can browse offers by categories (food, activities, health and fitness, etc.) and, as Microsoft stresses, “the Bing Offers experience works seamlessly across tablets, mobile devices, and PCs, so you can access great deals regardless of where you are.”


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Thursday, April 25, 2013

Cornell University Athletics - Track Teams Conclude Busy Weekend ...

Track Teams Conclude Busy Weekend with Big Red Invite


4/25/2013 9:51:00 AM

Big Red Invite Entries
Big Red Invite Schedule

ITHACA, N.Y. ? The Big Red track and field teams begin competition at the Penn Relays on Thursday, but the team will also be hosting the Big Red Invite on Sunday at the Kane Sports Complex.
Cornell will be taking on competition from multiple nearby universities as well as club teams from around the area. Feature opponents on Sunday include Syracuse, Buffalo, Binghamton, Cortland, Ithaca College and SUNY Oneonta.
Revised meet entries and schedule can be found at the top of the page.
Action begins at 11 a.m. with field events including the women's hammer throw and the men's shot put, with the rest of the field events following those. On the track, races begin at 11:30 a.m. with the 100-meter hurdles trials. Competition concludes at 7:15 p.m. with the 10K races.


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Boeing profit beats estimates despite 787 problems

By Alwyn Scott

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Boeing Co's first-quarter earnings jumped nearly 20 percent, handily beating analysts' estimates and showing little impact from the 787 Dreamliner problems, sending the company's shares up more than 3 percent in midday trading.

Boeing, in its quarterly report on Wednesday, stood by its sales, earnings and cash forecasts for the full year, reassuring investors that it expects to deliver all of the jets it had planned, including Dreamliners.

Cost-cutting and higher profit margins more than offset a small decline in sales. Boeing delivered the same number of commercial jets as in the year-earlier quarter, but with deliveries of low-margin 787 halted, margins improved.

Regulators grounded the plane after batteries overheated on two 787s in January, which stopped deliveries. The company did not release a cost estimate for the Dreamliner problems, as some analysts had expected. But on a conference call, it said the majority of the cost of fixing the battery issue had been reflected in the first-quarter results.

The cost of analyzing the problem, redesigning the battery system, testing it and retrofitting the 50 Dreamliners in service was absorbed in large part by shifting resources around the company, CFO Greg Smith said.

On an accounting basis, the expense will be folded into the cost of producing more than 1,100 Dreamliners, so it will not be felt in the company's earnings, he added. He declined to provide a figure for that total cost.

Jason Gursky, an analyst at Citigroup in San Francisco, estimated that a cost of $200 million spread over 1,100 aircraft would add just over $200,000 to the cost of the jet, which has a list price of about $207 million and sells for about half that.

"It's a rounding error of a rounding error of a rounding error," Gursky said.

The Dreamliner's battery problems appear to be nearing an end after the Federal Aviation Administration approved Boeing's fix for the battery system last week, and Dreamliner deliveries are set to resume shortly. Boeing and airlines are already prepping the planes for a return to passenger service.

Boeing CEO Jim McNerney said Boeing expects to begin delivering 787s again in early May, now that the battery redesign has FAA approval, and will finish modifying all 50 customer jets by mid-May. There are 25 Dreamliners awaiting delivery currently, he said.

"As mods go ... this is not a big one," McNerney said, referring to battery modifications.


First-quarter net income rose to $1.1 billion, or $1.44 a share, from $923 million, or $1.22 a share, a year earlier.

Core earnings, which exclude some pension charges, were $1.73 a share. On that basis, analysts had expected $1.49, according to Thomson Reuters I/B/E/S.

Revenue slipped 2.5 percent to $18.9 billion, hit by halted Dreamliner deliveries.

Investors have largely overlooked the Dreamliner problem, analysts said, because it has been amply flagged and factored into the stock price. Boeing's shares have risen 18.6 percent since regulators grounded the Dreamliner on January 16.

Boeing's shares rose some 3.4 percent, or $3.06, to $91.19 in mid-day New York Stock Exchange trading.

Analysts focused on the ability of Boeing's commercial airplane unit to rake in cash by delivering jets - cash that can be used to buy back shares, pay dividends or invest in new airplane programs, all of which are considered positive for the stock price.

Boeing's cash balance fell $2 billion in the latest quarter, less than some analysts had expected. And Boeing's confidence about its ability to make up the Dreamliner deliveries in the rest of the year allayed fears about further cash depletion. Boeing reaffirmed on Wednesday that it will produce more than $6.5 billion in operating cash flow for the full year.


The company said it will start buying back stock in the second quarter under a previously announced plan to spend $1.5 billion to $2 billion on such purchases. Gursky noted that the company missed a chance to get a bargain by buying its shares at less than $80 in the first quarter.

"The market was likely apprehensive as to what the (Dreamliner) cost might be, but this quarter's performance and confirmed guidance put those concerns to rest," said Carter Leake, a senior equity analyst for aerospace and defense at BB&T Capital Markets.

Sales at Boeing's defense, space and security business fell 1 percent to $8.1 billion, reflecting pull-backs in government defense spending, but profit in the unit rose 12 percent to $832 million, and margin rose to 10.3 percent from 9 percent.

Boeing's commercial airplane unit delivered 137 jets, the same as the year-earlier quarter, and booked $10.69 billion in revenue, 2.2 percent less than last time. Operating margins in the unit vaulted to 11.4 percent from 9.9 percent, reflecting the elimination of low-profit Dreamliner jets from the tally.

As a new jet, the Dreamliner is still relatively costly to build and initial customers are typically given big discounts to entice them to sign up, dragging down the plane's profit margins in its early years of production.

(Reporting by Alwyn Scott; Editing by John Wallace and Maureen Bavdek)


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