Saturday, August 4, 2012

Conjugated Linoleic Acid: Miracle compound to burn that extra fat ...

Learn About the Diet Technology that Comes from the Humble Cow!

Conugated Linoleic Acid is that miraculous compound which has a multitude of benefits. The major health benefit of Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) is that it assists in losing weight and fights obesity.

In this excellent video a well known health guru, Dr. Mercola, explains the problem of weight loss and suggests ways to achieve weight loss by exercise, healthy diet and using Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA).

About CLA

  1. Conjugated linoleic acids (CLA) are isomers of linoleic acid which belongs to the family of essential fatty acids.
  2. Michael Pariza, in 1987, discovered CLA mainly in meat and dairy products e.g cow milk derived from mammals.
  3. Humans and animals require these for good health because the body requires them for various biological processes but cannot synthesize them from other food components.

The Remarkable benefits of Conjugated Linoleic Acid(CLA)include

Conjugated Linoleic acids:

  1. Decrease abdominal fat ? Adrenal imbalances and hormonal shifts that are common in thyroid patients frequently cause rapid accumulation of abdominal fat, so this product can be quite helpful.
  2. Increase metabolic rate ? It increases the metabolic rate in some people which help to burn calories faster.
  3. Enhances muscle growth ? Muscle burns fat by utilizing more calories which is useful in weight loss.
  4. Lowers insulin resistance ? Insulin resistance leads to Diabetes. Lowering insulin resistance can help preventing adult-onset diabetes. Low insulin resistance means that muscles can use up calories faster so it makes it easier to lose weight.
  5. Reduces food-induced allergic reactions ? CLA can be very helpful in this aspect
  6. Enhances the immune system ? Enhancing the immune system?s ability to function properly is a positive benefit which can be obtained by using CLA.

How it works

  1. CLA increases your metabolism, enhances muscle growth and lowers insulin resistance which leads to more utilization of calories by your muscles.
  2. High calorie usage ultimately helps in weight loss.
  3. Linoleic acid is also used in the biosynthesis of Arachidonic acid (AA) and Prostaglandins.
  4. Prostaglandin 1 acts as an anti-inflammatory agent and inhibits cholesterol bio-synthesis.
  5. Lower cholesterol levels are beneficial for your heart and overall health.

Therefore benefits of CLA for fat-loss are two-fold. It assists in the metabolism of stored body fat and prevents the metabolism from slowing down during diet while keeping your body healthy at the same time.


CLA Molecule Conjugated linoleic Acid

Contraindication ? Caution Advised!

CLA can sometimes increase the rate of oxidative stress because it makes your metabolism faster as a result of which you require more oxygen. Anything limiting your oxygen intake e.g. asthma or heavy smoking leads to oxidative stress.

Research Studies involving CLA

  1. ??Thirty-five intervention studies have been conducted using CLA in humans show the most significant effect of CLA on reduction in total body fat and an increase in lean body mass??
  2. ??In humans, CLA is most commonly used for weight loss or body fat reduction??
  3. ??CLA reduces body fat by several mechanisms, including a reduced energy intake, increased metabolic rate??

BBC News reports that Milk Containing CLA could be a Super Medicine and can help fight obesity, cancer, heart diseases and Viral infections!!!

BBC News article for Milk containing CLA

What people have to say about Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)

CLA helped break me out of my weight plateau and I will keep using it!

I?ve been taking tonalin CLA since March and I have lost 10 lbs. Seriously. I went from 179 to 169, so far. I take this along with chromium and green tea extract twice a day. I haven?t changed my exercise routine, though I do exercise almost every day. I also watch my calorie intake, but I was doing that beforehand also. I would think that this would work best for someone without a lot of muscle mass and who is obese/overweight but is exercising with a routine that includes muscle toning, not just aerobics. I do believe that CLA helped break me out of my weight plateau and I will keep using it.

? By Amy E. Mitchell ? USA

CLA has helped me!

CLA has helped me to lose my body fat from the inside. My family can tell the difference!

? By D. Hayes, California.

Something is working for me now

Something is working for me now and I can?t explain it, but I?m giving some credit to CLA. It?s definitely worth a try!!! I am not doing any special eating program, but have significantly cut back on sugars and junk food . I think CLA + decreased calories + increased activity WORKS! I?ll update review if I ever reach my goal of 150 lbs. Good luck to all?.

? By spayurdog ? MN

I have found it does help with weight loss!

I take CLA along with my diet and exersize program. I found this product to be a lot cheaper than what I could find at the local health food store, and this actually has a higher milligram per capsule. Since taking this I have found it does help with weight loss, and it has also helped with my digestion and constipation and my hair looks much shinier, and I feel more energetic so go figure. I don?t know if it was supposed to do all that, but is sure has for me!

? D. Kauble, Kokomo, USA

It may be breaking fat and producing energy!

Taking this gave me a lot of energy, nearly doubled my jogging time. So it may be breaking fat and producing energy. great. 4 stars. But it may gradually cause Diabetes and Liver problems. If you do yahoo search or google for this string : ?Efficacy and safety of dietary supplements containing conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) for the treatment of obesity-evidence from animal and human studies? You will read scientific studies explaining reactions in liver and insulin resistance.

? By Jayakumar ?Jay?, Tampa, Florida.

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