Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Healing Eczema In a Natural Way | Baby care | Health and Fitness ...

Posted by Diana on May 23rd, 2012 04:49 AM | Eczema??

Eczema is a skin condition that is believed to be an autoimmune condition that arises when the immune system react against its own body components. This therefore means that the best way to heal eczema is to work on the immune system using various remedies that can help in removing the triggering agents as well as boosting the immune system. People who are suffering from this condition do itch a lot which cause significant inflammation on the skin. Treatment of the condition is focused on alleviating this symptom where by medications, moisturizers and a change in lifestyle behaviors are applied in the healing process. The healing remedy that is chosen is influenced by age, patient?s health status and the severity of the condition.

Healing eczema using improved nutrition.

Nutrients that are known to boost the immune system are highly recommended when treating eczema. Foods rich in vitamins A and B are important in boosting the immune system which has shown to be effective in the treatment of eczema. Vitamin C is also an important vitamin that plays an essential role in the regulation of production of histamine which is useful in neutralizing various allergens which are known to trigger the occurrence of eczema. These vitamins can only be made available in the body through the intake of food stuffs that are rich sources of the vitamins since they are not stored in the body.

Healing eczema using skin ointments

Keeping the skin moist is a key step in healing eczema. Various creams are available for application on the skin to help it remain hydrated. Petrolatum-based creams can be applied immediately after having a bath to seal the moisture on the skin before it dries up. Creams that are made of anti-inflammatory agents such as corticosteroids are also recommended to help in reducing skin inflammations that are caused by eczema.

Healing eczema using natural products

There are a number of products that are obtained from naturally occurring products that are used to heal eczema. These products include gamma-linolenic acid which has shown effectiveness in reducing skin inflammation and dryness that is associated with eczema. This product is obtained from primrose oil, borage oil or currant seed oil. The other natural product is the Oregon grape which is a herb that has been used for decades to heal skin related inflammations. A number of herbs, oils and beeswax can be mixed together to produce a cream that helps in soothing and moisturizing rough skin.

Healing eczema through behavioral changes

Adjusting some personal behaviors can help greatly in healing eczema. Stress is one factor that is known to trigger eczema. Proper stress management through regular exercises, talk therapy, meditation and yoga can save one from suffering from eczema. Various forms of allergens have also been identified as eczema triggers. It is therefore important for a person to identify these types of allergens and try to avoid them as much as possible. It is also advisable to keep the hands dry and if possible put on protective gloves that can protect one from irritants that can trigger eczema.

Healing eczema requires a proper understanding of the triggering agent since the condition is believed to be caused by certain skin irritating agents. Eczema is likened to allergy and it flairs up when a person is exposed to allergens, irritants and emotional stress. These factors cause inflammation on the skin that is characteristic of eczema.

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