Saturday, February 25, 2012

Heart Disease Doesn't Mean The End To Sex | Articles Mesmerizing

Jumping back into a sexual relationship with your partner can be a daunting undertaking for a man who?s suffered a heart attack or other cardiovascular condition. Undergoing heart surgery or having suffered a heart attack, is both life changing and frightening and for many men, the thought of having sex and putting that exertion on their hearts can cause fear and even lead to impotence. If you find that you?re suffering erectile dysfunction after a heart condition, it could be because of a combination of issues ? from the heart condition to emotional distress that could lead to the ED.

Because sexual activity is such a major quality of life issue for men and their partners, it is important that physicians address the issue and provide their patients with a way to get back into a satisfying sex life ? whether through simply offering a clean bill of health or providing medication to address sexual dysfunction issues. It is difficult for men to bring up such a delicate subject with their physician so it is incumbent upon the doctor to discuss it with them men under their care.

Having a healthy sex life is a barometer to a good relationship for many and having a heart condition that may lead to erectile dysfunction can severely impact that part of a couple?s relationship, especially if heart issues are added into the mix. Doctors need to be proactive in helping their patients address the fears that were brought out as part of the heart condition and any underlying ED issues. Because a man may feel embarrassed to discuss erectile dysfunction issues with their doctor, it should be the doctor?s duty to ask about the issue.

Easing back into a sexual relationship may mean that the man has to begin a cardiac rehabilitation routine and a physical activity regimen to strength their heart. No physical activity should be begun though until the man has been medically cleared by his doctor. Impotence can be a sign of not only a heart condition, but could also be a sign of much larger health issues and that?s why if impotence occurs on a regular basis, a man should schedule an appointment with his physician to have a full medical work up.

While it may be a frightening prospect to jump back into sexual activity after suffering a heart condition or even heart surgery, it is also advisable to receive a clean bill of health before resuming sexual activity. Because sex is a healthy part of a sexual, loving relationship, intimacy should be part of it and if you need to, you will want to work with your doctor or other health professional if you?re suffering ED in addition to a heart condition.

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